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    with just a few clicks
    your Madrasah
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    with one simple solution
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    now at your fingertips
    Madrasah communication

Benefits for Institutes

Enhanced Student Tracking

Easy tracking and automated reporting of student
academic progress.

Easy Class Management

Distribute information and control activities of large batches in a
convenient way.

Academic Development

Superb results as students complete homework, assignments, etc.
on time.

Features for Institutes

Recipient-based Messaging

Send messages easily and quickly to a class or entire school at
a once.

Fees Recovery

Online fee payment and fee tracking saves time and resources
for institutes.

Staff Management

Experience smooth management and easy control of daily
staff activities.

The One-stop Solution for Maktab & Madrasah Management

Benefits for Teacher

Automation Of Curricular Activities

It decreases workload leading to reduced stress and improved
teacher's creativity.

24 x 7 Data Access

Increased accountability improves the academic performance
of students.

Better Performance

Increased accountability improves the academic performance
of students.

Features for Teacher

Mark Attendance

Now you can mark attendance and send reports to
parents seamlessly.

Send Homework

Assign homework online along with detailed description in a couple
of minutes.

Planning Activities

Effortlessly plan and organize your schedule for each day, week
or month.

Available on

Benefits for Parents

Behavioural Updates

Receives child's behavioural updates regarding class discipline,academic performance, extracurricular activities etc.

Securd Communication

All communication shared between parents, teachers, and school is one-on-one and confidential.

Easy Fees Payment

Never pay late fees again. Edusence note sends you timely
remainder automatically.

Features for Parents

Receive Daily Attendance

Parents receive detailed and real-time attendance reports is lecture-wise as marked by teacher.

Homework Tracking

Experience seamless homework tracking and get full details of
every assignment.

Leave Application

Auto-generate leave application and get approvals from teachers then
and there.

Available on